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欧洲兽医内分泌学会主席——Prof. Federico Fracassi

2021-12-11 1013 返回列表


「VIC峰会」邀请前欧洲兽医内科学院主席、现任欧洲兽医内分泌学会主席 Prof. Federico Fracassi 进行了视频专访。

【听大咖说】前欧洲兽医内科学院主席、现任欧洲兽医内分泌学会主席 Prof. Federico Fracassi 视频专访。#VIC峰会 #内分泌专科峰会

下面,就来看看Prof. Federico Fracassi 的专访内容:


Prof. Federico Fracassi,VIC内分泌峰会体系里面,除了每年一届的峰会,还有每年一次的糖尿病、肾上腺疾病、甲状腺疾病的专科论坛和研讨会,您怎么评价这种课程设置?

Prof. Federico Fracassi:I think it’s a very good idea to do some specific seminar on a specific topic or specific disorders. Because for example, when we do a general course in endocrinology, we can not cover all the details, all the aspects about pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. So it’s a very good idea to focus on the very specific seminars where we can cover all the topics or we can cover some diseases that for example are less common, for example hyperaldosteronism in a cat and acromegaly in a dog.

Prof. Federico Fracassi:我认为就一个特定的主题或特定的疾病做一些专项的研讨会是一个非常好的主意。因为举例来说,当我们做内分泌学的一般课程时,我们不能涵盖所有的细节,关于发病机制、诊断和治疗的所有方面。因此,专注于非常具体主题的研讨会是一个非常好的主意,在那里我们可以涵盖所有的主题,或者我们可以涵盖一些不常见的疾病,例如猫的高醛固酮症和犬的肢端肥大症。


Prof. Federico Fracassi,中国国内目前尚无专门的宠物内分泌专科体系,您作为欧洲兽医内分泌学会的主席,能给我们一些如何建设宠物内分泌专科体系的建议吗?

Prof. Federico Fracassi:This specialization in endocrinology that also not exist in Europe and the United States. It’s not a true specialization in endocrinology. Usually people that are doing endocrinology, at least in Europe and the United States are vets that are board certified in internal medicine. This is very important to have a deep knowledge in internal medicine. And they focus their attention in their research on endocrinology, and this is also my recommendation. I think that an endocrinologist should be a very good internist. And then follow courses and see a lot of cases in endocrinology and maybe focus his attention on the research in veterinary endocrinology.

Prof. Federico Fracassi:内分泌专科在欧洲和美国也是不存在的。这不是一个真正的内分泌学的专科。通常从事内分泌工作的人,至少在欧洲和美国是获得内科医学认证的兽医。拥有深厚的内科知识是非常重要的,并且他们把注意力集中在内分泌学的研究上,这也是我的建议。我认为一个内分泌医生首先应该是一个非常好的内科医生。然后跟随课程,看到很多内分泌学的病例,可能他的研究兴趣会集中在兽医内分泌学上。


Prof. Federico Fracassi,请问您在医院从事临床工作的时候,内分泌专科病例占到您的病例总数多大比例?除了转诊病例,您有没有通过病史、症状快速推断犬猫有内分泌方面问题的办法?

Prof. Federico Fracassi:I don’t know exactly what is the percentage of the endocrine cases that we have seen in our teaching hospital. Roughly I would say between 10%-20%, but this is not representative. Because we have a very strong endocrine unity in our teaching hospital. And therefore probably we see more endocrinology cases compared to other referral clinics. And regarding the anamnesis in clinical science, these are extremely important. I think that most of the diagnosis are done with good anamnesis and good physical examination,and this is very important, a good internist has to learn this very well, because all the time when we do them, blood work for example, or diagnosis imaging, we can have a lot of false positive results, so it’s very very important to connect our laboratory finding or diagnostic imaging finding with the clinical signalment and history, and physical examination are probably the most important parts when we want to reach a diagnosis.

Prof. Federico Fracassi:我不知道我们教学医院的内分泌病例的确切比例是多少。大致上我认为在10%-20%之间,但这并不具有代表性。因为我们的教学医院有一个非常强大的内分泌部门。因此,与其他转诊医院相比,我们可能看到更多的内分泌病例。至于说临床科学中的既往病史,这些是非常重要的。我认为大多数诊断都是通过良好的病史和体格检查完成的,这一点非常重要,一个好的内科医生必须很好地学习这一点,因为当我们做这些工作时,例如血液检查或影像诊断,我们可能有很多假阳性结果,所以把我们的实验室发现或影像诊断发现与临床症状、病史以及体格检查联系起来是非常非常重要的,当我们想达成诊断时,这可能是最重要的部分。


Prof. Federico Fracassi,您是Veterinaria的主编,国内很多优秀的宠物医师想在欧洲北美的高级兽医期刊上发表文章,但总找不到合适的方法,您能给一些建议吗?

Prof. Federico Fracassi:It’s not easy to publish in peer-reviewed journal and international peer-reviewed journal. One of my teacher told me one time that producing a good paper is a true job that has to be learned . It is important to know which are their rules. It’s important to establish a strong research protocol, and also knowing very well their rules to publish in international journals. And of course there is also the problem with the language because all international papers are published in English. I don’t have specific tips, but maybe in the future we could organize a seminar or something like that, where we can discuss about how to build up a good research and how to publish our results. It is not easy but there are some tips that can be used to obtain and reach the publication in international journals.

Prof. Federico Fracassi:要在同行评议的期刊和国际同行评议的期刊上发表论文并不容易。我的一位老师曾经告诉我,发表一篇好的论文是一项真正的工作,需要专门学习。重要的是要知道哪些是他们的规则。建立一个完善的研究方案是很重要的,同时也要很好地了解在国际期刊上发表论文的规则。当然还有语言的问题,因为所有的国际论文都是用英语发表的。我没有具体的建议,但也许将来我们可以组织一个研讨会或类似的活动,在那里我们可以讨论如何建立一个好的研究和如何发表我们的成果。这并不容易,但有一些技巧可以来触达并实现在国际期刊上发表文章。


Prof. Federico Fracassi,从2018年来,您在中国已经讲过三次课了,请您说说这些年您觉得中国有什么变化,中国的兽医在您眼里有什么变化?

Prof. Federico Fracassi:I have been to China several years ago, and I observed that it’s a big growing in the field of veterinary medicine for dogs and cats, and I was shocked how interest the veterinarians are in dogs and cats, and I have seen the knowledge that is growing and growing but we have to know that the veterinary medicine for dogs and cats is huge, very close to what we see in human medicine. And for sure for the courses and for the improvement are needed to improve the veterinary medicine for dogs and cats in China.

Prof. Federico Fracassi:几年前我去过中国,我观察到中国在犬猫兽医领域有很大的发展,我震惊于兽医们对犬猫的兴趣,我也看到知识在不断增长。但我们必须知道,犬猫兽医学是庞大的,非常接近人类医学的情况。因此,为了提高中国的犬猫兽医学水平,我们需要开设课程并不断改进。

此外,Prof. Federico Fracassi 也将在VICE宠物内分泌专科峰会中进行糖尿病、库兴氏综合征、艾迪森综合征、猫钙紊乱等临床诊断与病例分析的相关课程。




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